On June 18, 2021, in conjunction with Bolivar Rotary Club, Lawrence Twp Trustees and Bolivar Police Dept, the Bolivar Fire Department was happy to help Ohio Billing Inc. host the first annual 2021 Safety Town, held at the Lawrence Twp River Community Park. With the assistance of a grant, we and the Ohio American Academy of Pediatrics were able to offer bike helmets to 75 area children.
Drawings were held for FREE bicycles, courtesy of Bolivar Sportsman’s Club, Lisa Hoy with State Farm, and the Community Savings Bank.
Plenty of kid-friendly fun was available, with free T-shirts from Ohio Billing for kids, visits with the State Farm Big Dog, free piggy banks from Community Savings Bank, drone demonstrations from the local Sheriff’s Dept, face painting with TV students, Soccer playing and signups with TC United Soccer, and of course tours through our ever-popular Smoke House.
This event is sure to get bigger and better each year, so we hope to see you in 2022!